In 2024, our members and community came together in unity for a successful year filled with activism, events, and comradery in service of Our Mission: To preserve and protect the character, charm and historic resources of Mission Hills for the education and benefit of...
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Newsletter – Summer 2024
Arnold & Choate’s / North Florence Heights
On May 3, 2024, the California State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) voted unanimously to recommend the Arnold & Choates Addition—North Florence Heights historic district for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Since then, the Keeper...
Restore the Presidio Park Cobblestone Swales
Mission Hills Heritage is partnering with The San Diego Parks Foundation and San Diego’s Department of Parks & Recreation to restore the historic cobblestone curbs and swales of Presidio Park. But we need your donation to make this project a reality! Constructed...
2024 Home Tour of Master Builders 09/28/2024
Saturday, September 28th More Information to Follow Mission Hills Heritage exists…”to preserve and protect the character, charm and historical resources of the Mission Hills community…” If this is important to you, please consider joining us. YOUR Membership...
2024 Master Builder Lecture 05/18/2024
Join us to learn how Master Builders were influential in the development of Mission Hills. We will hear from three experts in the
field of historic preservation.
Historical District Update – December 2023
MHH proposed amendments to HRB procedures After months of rigorous advocacy, MHH’s proposed amendments to the HRB procedures—which would provide a process for listing national register districts on the local historic register—are slated to be discussed by the HRB’s...
Historical District Update
Mission Hills Heritage Seeks Pathway for Local Designation of National Register Historic Districts By: Barry Hager Historic districts are the most effective way to protect the architecture and history of vintage neighborhoods. To encourage the establishment of...
President’s Perch – September 2023
Hello Members, Friends and Neighbors, 2023 has proven to be very busy and MHH has responded to many challenges to our mission of preserving our neighborhood and that threaten our community as a whole. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to our members and...