Below are the unaudited 2022 financial statements of the Mission Hills Heritage organization that have been prepared from our books and records. The board of Mission Hills Heritage takes seriously its responsibility for managing the resources entrusted to it by the...
Dilatory City Makes Fate of Old Mission Hills Library Uncertain, Appeal Pending
By: Jennifer Machian The old Mission Hills Library was once a vibrant community treasure. Located at thewestern entrance of Mission Hills, the library enticed patrons of all ages, with its shinywall of windows and iconic cantilevered roof.Long-time Mission Hills...
Mission Hills Heritage to Nominate the Arnold and Choate’s Addition – North Florence Heights Historic District
By: Barry Hager Mission Hills Heritage is pleased to announce that it will bring forward another nomination for aNational Register historic district in Mission Hills. Following on the successful listing of InspirationHeights on the National Register of Historic Places...
President’s Perch Update Q1-2023
Hello Members, Friends and Neighbors, With my first year as President behind me, I would like to express my sincereappreciation to our members and gratitude to the Board of Directors for theirpersonal commitment and exceptional support in time and talent in...